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Submitting your meter readings regularly will help companies keep your consumption up to date. This will mitigate exaggerated estimations that may result in large bills once actual readings are provided to the company by the distributor.

WHAT UTILITIES ARE ESTIMATED AND WHY? Generally, only gas is estimated. Unlike electricity, gas meters do not have a direct communication line to the distribution company. New gas meters have batteries and built-in messing systems that can send readings much like SMS; however, the readings are not always accepted. Technicians will periodically manually read your meter. If the meter is not accessible, the technician may leave a slip in your mailbox with instruction on how to submit your reading.

Electric bills are almost always based on actual readings. In the rare event the communication between the electric meter and distribution company is not working, estimated bills may be received. The distribution company will eventually send a technician to repair or replace the electric meter.

HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR METER READING: Meter readings can only be submitted to our office between the 26th and the 2nd. No readings outside of those dates will be accepted. Take a picture of your gas meter with the current reading and serial number visible. Be sure the reading is after the 26th of the month and before the 2nd of the month. Send the image of your reading to 31fss.homefuels@us.af.mil the same day the photo was taken.

Once we receive the photo, we upload it to the company's web portal. We must have all readings submitted to the company by the 3rd of each month or it will not be accepted.

NOTE: Home Fuels is not responsible for estimated utility bills. Our office simply provides tax-relief on utility bills. However, we do have good relationships with utility providers and distribution companies and will advocate for the correction of any billing errors on your behalf. It is the member's responsibility to monitor consumption and to alert home fuels of any irregularities. We will then investigate client concerns with the utility company to identify and resolve any issues.

Make it a habit to document your readings monthly. Periodically, request copies of your Italian invoices at this website so you can verify the accuracy of the consumption you are being billed for. If you notice irregularities or gross differences in estimations versus actual readings, submit your meter readings as indicated above to course correct your invoicing.

RESOURCES: Use the How-to-Read Your Meter link below if you are not sure how to obtain your readings.